February 21, 1968
Being a man is the continuing battle of one's life and
one loses a bit of manhood with every stale compromise
to the authority of any power in which one does not
No slave should die a natural death. There is a point
where caution ends and cowardice begins.
For every day I am imprisoned, I will refuse both
food and water.
My hunger is for the liberation of my people.
My thirst is for the ending of oppression.
I am a political prisoner, jailed for my beliefs (that
Black people must be free). The government has taken
a position true to its fascist nature — those they cannot
convert, they must silence. This government has become
the enemy of mankind.
This can no longer alter our path to freedom. For
our people, death has been the only known exit from
slavery and oppression. We must open others.
Our will to live must no longer supersede our will to
fight, for our fighting will determine if our race shall
live. To desire freedom is not enough. We must move
from resistance to aggression, from revolt to revolution.
For every Orangeburg, there must be 10 Detroits.
For every Max Stanford and Huey Newton, there
must be 10 racist cops.
And for every Black death there must be a Dien Bien
Brothers and sisters, as well as all oppressed people,
you must prepare yourselves both mentally and physically,
for the major confrontation is yet to come. You
must fight. It is the people who in the final analysis
make and determine history, not leaders or systems.
The laws to govern you must be made by you.
May the deaths of '68 signal the beginning of the end
of this country. I do what I must out of the love for my
people. My will is to fight. Resistance is not enough.
Aggression is the order of the day.
March 2, 1968
The deaths and arrests of 1968 signal more than ever
the resounding denial of human rights by this country.
Murder and human bondage made justice the afterbirth
of america's immoral conception. True to the nature
of its birth through murder and slavery, america's
only offspring has been tyranny.
Who really violates the codes of justice? Justice upon
which all "laws" should be fabricated. This country has
shown that her "laws" are not based on justice; they are
based on politics. There is no separation of "law" from
politics. Political perspective and allegiance determine
human rights. The courts are a tool of the political structure.
America's judiciary system serves the political one.
When justice serves the "law," then there is no law, no
rights, no redress of grievance; only political and judicial
intercourse. This government has made a mockery
of its Constitution. Freedom shares my cell on Death
Our only redress of grievance is through revolution.
No government is worth more than humanity. Tyrants
are to be made accountable for tyranny.
When the courts are no longer an instrument of or for the people, the people must then become lawmakers
and law enforcers.